We must reach to the highest security levels together.

Your security is our first priority and we help you secure your web sites and emails. As you do with your other passwords please do not share your Alantron username and password with others (family, friends, accountants etc.). If you suspect that your passwords are seized by another party you must contact with an Alantron Technical Support representative at the earliest possible.

Our Responsibility

Alantron is taking all the necessary measures to keep your accounts and domains safe and is providing you means to securely do your transactions online. Alantron fully stands behind the services it offers. Also the protection of your ownership rights on your web site and emails and %100 administration capability is also guaranteed during the life-time of the agreement. Alantron also follows a privacy policy for your accounts and domain names. You can reach our Privacy Policy at here.

Alantron, within the content of the web packages that are provided, guarantees that the web sites, emails and other services that are purchased with the package will be sustain availability in the %99 of the time during the life-time of the agreement. If the customer is not satisfied with the service and support quality, the customer will have the right to demand money-back in the first 30 days of the agreement. In other cases the corresponding amount of the remaining time of the agreement is refunded to the customer.

You can find out more about our protection policies on your web packages at ALANTRON.COM WEB HOSTING SERVICES MAIN AGREEMENT page.

The un-interrupted conservation of your full web package configuration at all times is bound to your personal password protection responsibilities as described above.

For practical web package safety measures Technical Support pages would be helpful.

Contact us 7/24.

You can reach us at www.alantron.com live chat with your technical questions or your concerns about the security of your accounts and web packages. You can send your written questions or concerns via Contact Us pages.

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